Strategy Sidekick

Strategy Sidekick empowers businesses to achieve their growth potential through innovative and data-driven digital marketing strategies.


Master the Science of E-Commerce Performance Marketing


Available in Paperback and Digital Editions

Learn how to buy digital media more effectively through a scientific approach.

Understand how your marketing data relates to real-world consumer decisions.

Uncover actionable changes you can make to perfect and scale your digital marketing.

Master the science and grow your business.




There is too much noise in the market for a one-size-fits-all approach.

We know your business is unique, with unique problems and hurdles exclusive to your business alone. Marketing strategies in a noisy online marketplace need to leverage your strengths and value to use them as a strategic advantage.

We partner with our clients to understand their unique challenges and goals, then leverage our expertise in digital marketing to develop customized solutions that drive measurable results. With a commitment to transparency, collaboration, and continuous learning, we strive to be a trusted advisor and strategic partner to each and every one of our clients.

Every Hero Needs a Sidekick.

Here’s how we can be yours.

Marketing Consultant


We specialize in helping businesses optimize their online marketing efforts to drive growth and produce success. Our consulting services provide expert guidance and customized strategies to improve brand presence, generate leads, and boost sales.

Marketing Consultant


Not every business decision is cut and dry… And sometimes, Google searches just don’t cut it. So, as a part of our mission to help businesses recognize their full potential, we offer a free 15-30-minute video call session for guidance and advice. No strings and no sales pitches.

Marketing Coach


We want our clients to grow with their business. Our marketing coaching services provide one-on-one guidance and support to help individuals or teams master the essential skills needed to succeed in digital marketing. And while coaching is apart of our consulting practice, we also offer specific coaching services.

  • "Strategy Sidekick helped me look at my business data more effectively and take a data-driven approach to marketing."

    Erick M.

  • "Our partnership with Strategy Sidekick was instrumental in determining a messaging strategy for our brand."

    Meghan T.

  • "By working with Strategy Sidekick, I was able to scale my business and create a strategy that works for my brand."

    Mark P.

What is it Like to Work with Strategy Sidekick?

Easy Marketing Strategy

Working with Strategy Sidekick is easy. There are no long-term contracts, and we emphasize treating you like a partner.

Clear Marketing

We know not everyone is an expert in this stuff. That’s our job. So, we make sure clarity is a priority at every step.

Effective Marketing Strategy

We don’t just make this stuff up. All of our decisions are backed by proven frameworks and data in order to create success.

Creating an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy Can Be Challenging.

Whatever hurdles you have, we can help.

  • Not everyone has the marketing experience to carry out an effective digital marketing plan. And not everyone is expected to. That’s why we pride ourselves on a decade of digital experience, and we want to hand that knowledge to you.

  • Carrying out a full digital marketing strategy with a small team or an individual can seem daunting. But.. without marketing, there is no sales. We make it easy on our clients by helping them form step-by-step plans that make executing a plan a lot less overwhelming.

  • A small budget doesn’t necessarily mean a small marketing effort. There are many strategies and tactics that your business can implement to scale and find success. We can help you create opportunities with any budget.

  • A bad economy doesn’t bode well for sales growth using standard marketing strategies. We can help you implement business level marketing tactics that are proven to help businesses succeed even when the market isn’t.

  • Yeah.. we know. Digital trends and technologies change by the day, and as a marketer or business owner, it is hard to stay on top of it all. One of our core principles is to continuously learn, and we have free resources to help you do the same so you can get back to the grind.

  • Everyone has seen them. The get-rich-quick ads that promise a 10x return. Yep, you guessed it, they are too good to be true, but then what does accurate information look like? We can help guide you to proven marketing frameworks and tactics that aren’t bullshit.

We’re in the Business of Growing Business.

Marketing Funnel

Funnel Fundamentals

Having a cohesive funnel structure across all of your marketing efforts is fundamental to having an effective digital marketing strategy.

Target Market

Tactical Targeting

Talking to the right people at the right time and in the right place is one of the most important parts of an effective strategy.

Marketing Messaging

Messaging with Meaning

Messaging has to be organized and have meaning. Learning effective messaging frameworks can help you deliver clear and concise messaging that works.

Marketing Data

Decisive Data

Digital marketing is a hard science, and data allows us to make concrete decisions that grow revenue. Without clean data we are blind.

Fine Tune Your Marketing Tactics

Social Media Marketing
Search Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Search Marketing

Email Marketing Strategy
Video Marketing Strategy
Blog Strategy
Local Marketing

Web Content & Blog Optimization

Local Marketing Strategy

Video & Display Marketing

Email Segmentation & Strategy

Pricing Strategy

Product & Pricing Optimization

Whatever your needs are, we offer a customized approach to give you the tools to advertise effectively and grow revenue.

Interested In Partnering With Us?

Contact us for a risk-free consultation.

Free Video Call Consultation

No Long Term Contracts

Trusted Digital Marketing Expertise

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That’s right… Free.

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